Friday, November 30, 2012

Keeping it Moving: Femme Fatale Series

im trying to post at least something once a day that way you can see my process.
this is today's work. i really enjoyed this one because of the mixed media part.

again let me know what you think. 


The Laugh

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Drawings that Fell Out

a few recent drawings that accidentally came out of the sketchbook
anyway im just trying to keep up with the posting so that it doesnt run stale

enjoy! and let me know what you think. your words are always welcome:)
sorry about the pics not being the best quality. lighting sucks here & i need to build a light box
any suggestions?



Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Femme Fatale Series

So these are some current paintings that i have been playing with. i am really attracted to the human figure. in this series i wanted to capture the beauty of the Femme Fatale.

therefore i want to explore the female figure but in a powerful evocative way that's as bold possible.

i am in the process of experimenting with mixed media as you will see below along with paint drips & splatters.
i've never been one for detail so this lends itself well to my influences & style.

The Look

The Cynic

The Day Dreamer

The Dancer

The Stare

Laughter (in progress)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just To Hook you Into This!

The Count

Ape Shit

so im looking to be more disciplined with my art! therefore i have taken it upon this blog to finally push out (birth-out) art work that i make on a continual basis. i want to share with you what i've been feeling like & since i'm a visual explorer & learner this is my medium.

These two drawings are recent doodles. i'm a doodler! its like i have some compulsion to have something in my hand to draw out how i'm feeling