Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Colorful PostCard Prints

ok so i'm not one for buying people gifts but instead i like to make stuff.
for christmas i busted these out for my family members &
even had my little cousins painting their own stuff.

so these are part of that series. i will turn these into postcards.
send me your address if you want one via email or FB

Veg Face

Worm Brain

Fragmented Selves

Fish Gun

Recent black & white drawings

so i havent posted in a few weeks mainly because of the holidays & i havent been able to keep up with the documenting while creating.
like most of my imaginative work it comes out of the blue & it is always free-hand.
i never use pencil because i like the raw aspect of not knowing what will come out.
therefore i have to make do with what i draw.
some of you may have seen these already but i wanted to test out my new scanner & see how it worked.


Skull Face


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Mixed Media Series: Awkward Encounters

Recent Mixed Media additions. havent posted because this is what i've been doing!
enjoy & let me know what you think.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Black & White Drawings

as i've said before i need to keep this discipline of creating non-stop & showing even if a few people like it. that's enough for me to keep going!
if you like something let me know. here's some recent black & white drawings.

The Dream Machine


Neko Punch