Thursday, January 31, 2013

Nude Studies

From last night's drawing session. I like the human form because it's amazingly unique to each person.
I tried using a different medium Im not used to using.
So i went with it & here are some of my best ones.
Just note most poses were held from 5-10min at most.
hope you like

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Skull Still Life part 2

Sadly I had to return the skull to its rightful owner today:( 
but here's another paint session i had last night.
I also took a bunch of photos to paint it some more.

Anyway hope you're day is good! I'm dead tired like my skull friend...get it! dead tired!
hahaha! ok guess joking through text is not the easiest. 

Skull Still #2 (Say Cheese)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Anime Characters with Ms. Mie Sato

These are some throwback drawings that I did with one of my best friends Ms. Mie Sato
Circa 2012

See what happens when you collabo! Crazy minds think a like!
Sending you love Ms. Mie Sato from SF to Hiroshima

SanRo the Drabbit (Dragon-Rabbit)
Rayo-Mie 2012

The Viking Heart Mind Eye rides a Gator
Rayo-Mie 2012

The Road Beast
Rayo-Mie 2012

The Bare Footed Sky God
Rayo-Mie 2012
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Public Transpo UnFare Hike

This was a series I did about three years ago. Really solid pieces!
I like them & just got them back from a friend who stored them for me.
Now i have them to show off some three years later.

Fyi: as usual any piece you see is always part of a series & also up for sale

Fare Too Broke 

The People's Revolt

Slowest Ride Ever

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Skull Still Life Session

so i have a real fascination with skulls, day of the dead, reincarnation & the after life.
i recently found this skull in my cafe & decided that i wanted to have a paint session with him.

below i have added the pic of me with the skull. 
followed by a paint session i did last night.

i will probably include this painting in a series of work i have entitled: We Try & We Die

the series deals with the playfulness, fearlessness, & inevitability that we will someday expire.

Me & my future self

Skull Still life 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Weird Faces

some recent watercolor work. these are small scale & intricate.
i like painting these small ones because i can whip them out like crazy in my small studio space.
hope you enjoy them.

Mr. Bullwinkle


Space Face

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Awkward Encounters pt. 2

sorry havent been posting. it's a discipline to keep up with blogging.
my discipline has been to paint so trying to make the shift translate into my blog.

this is from a bigger series entitled Awkward Encounters, which is about the awkward people, moments, non-verbal messages we give off & receive. i've captured these animalistic characters as expressions of how i sometimes feel or how i experience others to feel. its has a lot of the unconscious expression throughout. 

i am trying to capture the human animal in all shapes & forms of awkwardness
enjoy! more to come. shows to come!


El Gallo the Cock