Friday, March 7, 2014

Lucha Muerte: The Fight between Life & Death

I had completed this series back in late december 2013 & showed this work in SF at Incline Gallery's annual Group Show. They are doing amazing things over at Incline Gallery SF. Check them out when you get a chance. 

This series was basically describing or examining the constant fight we have between our life and our inevitable death. This is perhaps what existentialists had thought about, which is that we are constantly trying to deny the inevitability of our own mortality. However, we are the meaning makers of our lives and can choose the way in which we want to live. Some choose to ignore their inevitable death while others embrace it. I feel that the latter group has a better enjoyment & appreciation of life. Therefore continue to fight or at least acknowledge your mortality. With that being said shoot for the stars & hope to land somewhere further than you are now. 

Good day.

The Teaching

       This was another painting that i had started & completed back in December 2013.
I call it The Teaching because the subject is seen as witness to my progress and change as a human being. This demonstrates to me that we all are teachers and never ending students. The model has her hand in a Buddhist mudra, which signifies teaching. Therefore the subject is about learning from the intricate and decorative beauty of life. The rays of light or brilliance signifies the ability we all to  reach self-actualization and become enlightened.

Day of the Dead Skull Stencils

well this is very last minute! haha. i made these stencils back in october & november 2013 for Day of the Dead. i havent had much free time to post. but here's some of the work that i have made. if interested in purchasing some i have copies here in DF & in SF.