Thursday, October 8, 2015

It All Falls Apart Series

Hey ALL!!!
It has been awhile since i posted about what I have been up to.
So recently I just moved back to the Bay Area after living 2.5 years in Mexico City (DF).
This series I have entitled It All Falls Apart. It all really started from my interest in lines and geometric shapes. I have always been drawing and I feel like this series came out of my daily drawing practice of trying to capture fleeting moments & feelings. Most of the imagery comes from continuous one line drawings, which  reflect the continuity of life.

I started this series while living my last few months in DF. And now that I am back in SF Bay Area
I am still continuing the series.

The premise of this series is based off of my past studies of Buddhist philosophy and metaphysics. The idea came from the fact that everything is truly one in the same. Whether we are talking about us or other matter. All things are made up of molecules, atoms, energy, etc. Therefore we are all constantly changing and evolving. The idea of this series is that we are no different than each other on the molecular energetic level. We all are made up of the same material. As a result we need to see the world in that way. That all is the same in the process pattern and material. We are all changing and evolving along the path. All things are in a process of creation, evolution, and destruction. In essence we all share this cycle.

Another aspect of Buddhist philosophy that this series comes from is the Heart Sutra, which states that "Emptiness is form and Form is emptiness." What I gained from this sutra (teaching) while studying it in the past was that all is empty of meaning and we put meaning on whatever the object is. This object becomes subjective experience. Therefore whatever we deem or name becomes that thing. though in reality nothing actually is what we say it is. Things are actually devoid of meaning.
This series pokes at that the fact that the objects I have painted are in fact just things, parts, objects that we have given names (for ex: arms, legs, hands, eyes, etc.) Mainly I have painted these parts as forms, objects, and things we see, touch, use everyday. The thing that I am trying to capture is that we are all different but really the same. We are all made up of parts that we give names but in reality we are all one in the same.

Even the chosen color scheme I chose to use in this series is monochromatic. The idea behind this is that although we all look different we are really from the same shades of life. Also that life is never just black and white but it is instead a bit of both which together makes up the grey aspects of life.
Here is most of the series that has evolved and there will be more to come out of this series since it is an ever evolving process.

I have included some of the original sketches with the final paintings. ENJOY!
Also I am looking for places to show this great body of work in the Bay Area or Mexico City.
If you know of anything please message me.

Follow me on Instagram if you are on there to see more instant updates: rayos_magos

  All Eyes on Me

    All Hands on Deck

 Get on a Good Foot


 Listen Up

Tongue Tied

Don't be Nosey

Heart to Heart 

Bored Out of my Skull

Lip Service

Chatter Box

Just Breathe