Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Portfolio of Work 4 Sale $$$

Hola todos
Finalmente me mude de mi ciudad de San Francisco donde he amado y vivido y convertido la persona que yo soy ahora. Aunque esta es amargo y dulce estoy  regresando a DF para vivir por mas tiempo. Entonces he realizado que cuantas obras ya he hecho en San Francisco. Aunque nunca las mostraba mis cuadras en las galerias o exposiciones siempre me guardaba escondido para la publica. Por eso en este momento de transición estoy buscando a dar mis obras. Pues aca es mis obras de los 6 años pasados. Sus compras que apoyarme a regresar a DF y apoyar mas creatividad. Las que siguen son pinturas en series.

Todas pinturas estan por vende. sí estas interesado me envias un email sobre de cualquier a compra. Tambien comparte la liga con sus contactos. Mas gente que saben es mucho mejor. 

Hey all
So i have finally moved out my favorite city (San Francisco, Frisco, San Pancho, SF) where I loved, lived, & became the person I am today.
Although it is a bitter sweet moment I am moving back to Mexico City to live for awhile & work. With that being said I realized how much art that I had created during my time living in Frisco. Though I never really had shown this work in galleries or shows I always kept it hidden from the public. Therefore in this moment of transition I am looking to release & let go of all my work that I had created during my time in the city. So here they are.. Also your purchases will help me get back to Mexico City and support further creativity. The following paintings will all be grouped into the series in which they were created.

All pieces are up for sale so please if you are really interested email me & let me know so we can take it from there. Also please share this with all of your networks. The more people who know about this the better. 

Directions for Buying
1) tell me the name of the series
2) the name of the piece



Random Paintings Without Series (2007-2013)

Ms. Mie Sato

Gold Trumpet

Tour de France 2007

Nameless Superheroes

Boom Box

Wooden Victorola

Buddha Nature Overcomes

The Dalai Lama

Trapped in the Tokyo Metro

Veggie Face


Roots & the Sea

Perspectives on Love

Patterned Rooster


Random Dimensions (2013-2014)

Party Face

Fish Gun


Worm Brain

Monkey Mind

Shark Fin


Eye Scream


Good Sport

Aquatic Urchin

Mil Caras

Upside Down Inside Out


Piñata Deformity

Pajarro Bizaro


Indigenous Prints (2007-2009)

The Peace Maker

The Rain Dance

Child of the Sea

 If Hands Could Speak (2012-2013)

Almost Had It

Holding Place


Once Twice


Wish me Luck

Don't Let Go

Ah Too Bad

I Love This

Bring it Together


Like or Dislike

Playful Shadow Puppets



Rock Paper Scissors

Bang Bang!!!

Slide me Some Skin

What have I Done?

Beat you to the Punch


Strange Encounters (2013)


Tyrannous Rex

The Rooster Eye

Childish Love Play

Shy Guy

Ape Shit

Skull Faced


Femme Fatale (2013)




The Look

The Dancer


¡El Toro Lives! (2012)

El Toro

Fear Nothing

Run of the Bull

The Charge

In Lust


Leap of Faith

Street Bull


All Parts Matter (Travels Abroad) (2008-2010)

The Wink

Brooklyn What!

Compassionate Buddha

I need an Extra Hand

San Jo Pigeon

Croc Rock

Train Ride

Europa Bound

¡OLE! Which Way


Peaceful Warrior

Put em Up!

Hip Hip Hooray

On the Move

This Way


Breakin out



Human Anatomy (Parts that Matter) (2007-2008)


Hello my name is Lungs

The driver your Body (the Brain)

Please look inside (your Heart)


We Try & We Die Series (2012-2013)

Just Smile

Just smile #2

Sometimes Life's the Shits

Rest in Paradise

Evil Genius

Get Money then Die

Life is Complex


Rock out til you Die

Party Machine 

Get your Mind Right

Polar Opposites

Skull Rebel


My World TRAVELS series (2007-2008)

Parisian Violinist & Wife

Tokyo Metro Dreamer

German Opera Singer

Parisian Metro Dreamer

La Gente Mexicana (2010-2011)


Payaso triste

Las Abuelitas

Los Cantantes 

Los Musicos 

La Guitarrista 

El Mariachi

Vendedor de las Paletas

Vendedor de los sombreros


Prices of Public Transportation (2009)

Fare to Broke

The People's Revolt

The Slowest Ride Ever

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