Wednesday, January 25, 2017

We Are All One (Pattern, Shape, Form) of Complex Diversity

Happy New Year 2017!
It's been a crazy past year with ups & downs in my life as well in the world. I have still been working on stuff. The most recent has been my simple, elegant, design patterns based on geometric shapes. I feel like what I am trying to capture in these images are usually momentary feelings that come & go. I have always been a fan of nature, shapes, iconography, & symbols. Therefore this current group of work looks to get in touch with movement of objects/patterns/imagery as if it were a still shot  captured in my mental camera. With that being said I have made these patterns initially with just ink then some have went the way of mixed media (i.e. watercolor & acrylic) even turned some of these creations into GIF videos which has been an awesome tool to experiment with (SEE POST BELOW).

La Comunidad


Las Flores

Divine Growth

Flower Up

La Toca de Vibracion

Looking for Direction


Points of Connectivity

Projected Growth

Sunday Brunch

The March 2017

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